Do You Have A Young Adult In Your Family Who Is Nervous About Leaving For College?
They have got into college. They're building up to finally flying the nest of home, they might be feeling a ball of nerves knot in their stomach. Suddenly, dozens of questions, queries and thoughts bubble to the surface...
"Will I be up to the task of taking on college?"
The fear of the unknown looms. Their confidence takes a dip and self-doubt could be hitting hard right now.
This week alone, I have had several college clients bring up these exact same questions. I reckon that there are hundreds of students, just like them, with the same fears and worries praying on their minds about leaving for college.
The difference between those students I have the opportunity of working with and the ones I don’t is that they are addressing their doubts and fears head on and are working through the root causes of them with me.
They have eased their worries and confronted their fears. They are on the road to developing a brand new level of confidence, focus, and happiness, and they are now able to make the most of new opportunities. They are now focusing on the positives of a new adventure that awaits them.
Do you have a family member, or know a friend that needs to voice their doubts and concerns about leaving for college?
Here's to their future!
Warmest, Izzy Isabelle Hamptonstone, MSc.

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