The stress of being an entrepreneur is without a doubt taking its toll on mental health.
Nearly two-thirds of people who responded to a recent Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) survey said they feel depressed at least once per week.
Cash flow concerns (67%) by far weighed most on the minds of entrepreneurs. Balancing responsibilities at both work and home was next at 39% while finding the right talent ranked third at 36%.
Also, as a result of the study Going it Alone: The Mental Health and Well-Being of Entrepreneurs in Canada 66% said it’s difficult to maintain a happy work-life balance. 54% said the stress of being an entrepreneur was negatively affecting their ability to concentrate at work. And, 23% said professional relationships were also taking a hit.
So what can you do to help yourself and other business leaders and executives within your organization?
Strengthen research on entrepreneur mental health and make sure it's included in discussions.
- Develop flexible and relevant mental health support.
- Create tools to help you and your staff achieve a better work-life balance.
- Don’t allow money and stigma prevent you from committing to Mental Performance Training Programs.
- Help support, sustain and grow the health of your businesses — and do the same for you and the mental health and well-being of your staff too!
Take action and contact me about my Corporate and Business Leadership Mental Performance Training Programs and INSTANT Leadership Breakthrough Days today!

PS. HERE you can find out what other Elite Business Executives and Leaders are saying about their Mental Performance Training.