Subject: Is Your Mind Holding You Back on the Ice? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

As a hockey player, your mindset is just as important as your physical skills. But sometimes, limiting beliefs can hold you back from reaching your full potential on the ice. Are you aware of the thoughts that might be sabotaging your game? Take this quick quiz to find out!
🏒 Quiz: Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back in Hockey?
1. When faced with a tough opponent, what’s your first thought?
- A) "I’m outmatched; there’s no way I can beat them."
- B) "I’ll give it my best shot, but it’s going to be tough."
- C) "I’ve trained for this; I can rise to the challenge."
2. How do you react to making a mistake during a game?
- A) "That’s it, I’ve blown my chance."
- B) "I need to shake it off, but it’s hard to focus now."
- C) "Mistakes happen. I’ll learn from it and move on."
3. How do you approach new drills or skills in practice?
- A) "I’m not good at this; it’s too difficult."
- B) "I’ll try, but I don’t expect to master it quickly."
- C) "This is a chance to grow and improve my game."
4. How do you view your potential as a hockey player?
- A) "I’ll never be as good as the top players."
- B) "I have some potential, but I’m not sure how far I can go."
- C) "My potential is limitless if I keep working hard."
🏒 How Did You Score?
Mostly A’s: Limiting beliefs might be holding you back more than you realize. It’s time to reframe your thoughts and start believing in your abilities.
Mostly B’s: You’re on the right track, but there’s still room for growth in how you approach challenges and setbacks.
Mostly C’s: You’ve got a strong, positive mindset that’s primed for success. Keep building on this foundation!
🚀 Ready to Break Free from Limiting Beliefs?
If you found yourself identifying with the A’s or B’s, it’s a sign that your mindset could use a tune-up. In Hockey Confidence, I dive deep into strategies to help you overcome these limiting beliefs and unleash your full potential on the ice.
Want to take the next step? Reach out to discuss how we can work together to strengthen your mental game and boost your confidence.
Wishing you a successful and fulfilling hockey season ahead!
Until next time, Skate like the wind!
Boost Your Hockey Confidence!

Credit: Tricia Mercuri