Anxious about that upcoming grudge game?
Worried about playing at your best?
Is Anxiety Impacting Your Hockey Performance?
Is your fear of failure defeating you?
Fear can make us anxious. Anxiety can affect our performance on and off the ice. So, here's what you can do today to help yourself get stronger. The key is to:
strengthen your faith in your own ability.
Ask yourself, am I:
- focusing on my fear of failure and losing another game, or;
- developing my faith in my own ability to dominate on the ice?
If you are focusing on thoughts that cause anxiety, you'll get a result that causes anxiety. And if you are - you are not alone.
Use your awareness of what you are focusing on to improve your mental strength.
Practice re-focusing on what you need to do to feel better on the ice to give you a stronger and tougher mindset for getting that win.

Remember that negative self-talk when you came off the ice after a bad result? Those negative words will only increase your anxiety.
Instead, once you have taken a look at where you can improve your performance, then find as many positive takeaways from that last practice or the game you just played, win or lose.
Remind yourself that each day brings you the opportunity to become a better player, building on what you have already achieved.
Focus on 3 positive takeaways about your skating, your game, and the abilities that make you a valuable and meaningful player to your team, and make your mental strength stronger.
Do you want more help to develop your own Hockey Confidence?
GO HERE if you would like to access NHL Daily Hockey Winning Mindset Tips to dominate on the Ice.

PS. HERE you can get your very own copy of 'Hockey Confidence: Train your brain to win in hockey and in life'.
PPS. If you want me to help you get your anxiety in check BOOK YOUR NHL WINNING MINDSET ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION HERE.