More than 7,000 people and over 2,800 local businesses and individuals were nominated this year for the...
‘Kamloops This Week Readers Choice Awards’.
I am so pleased to share with you that, after more than 148,000 votes were submitted, I have been awarded ‘Best Business Coaching and Consulting Services Winner’ for 2019… I am honoured and truly grateful for everyone who voted.
I would like to congratulate all of the other amazing winners who are equally committed to supporting their community and continuing to provide quality and great customer service.
These winners recognize the importance of their mental game and work to reduce stress and self-doubt, have the ability to deal with conflict, upgrade their strategic mental skills, and become more powerful business leaders, top executives, and coaches.
To celebrate I want to share with you ‘3 Short Steps To Combating Brain Overload’ so you too can start winning from within:
STEP ONE: Monitor your self-talk - considering how things often turn out, it would seem that there is always a silent listener to our self-talk conversations who beams out our words and thoughts to the universe. These words and thoughts boomerang back at us in the form of circumstances. So, if you constantly find yourself over-researching, overthinking, and complicating your decisions, you are possibly setting yourself up for Brain Overload.
Practice: From today, substitute words such as “I must” and “I need to” from your self-talk with words that don’t pile up mental pressure. Instead, use words like “I could” or “I prefer.”
STEP TWO: Focus very specifically on what you DO want, not on what you DO NOT want - When you have a habit of focusing on what you DON’T want, your mind tends to create an internal picture of what that looks like and may even take action on it.
Practice: Focus on what you DO want, and give your brain very specific instructions that will yield more productive results.
STEP THREE: Find a model of excellence! - While your brain is incredibly powerful, it won’t exactly reward you whenever you try to load it up like a truck. It is more likely to protest in the worst of ways, not least of which is diminished productivity and a dipping performance. The good news is that you are actually not powerless and you can find a model that works for you.
Before you head out to the store to buy a new planner or scour the internet for a 7-step process, take time to understand the root of the problem. With new, mental clarity, you can find a model of excellence… now is the time to make changes.
Practice: Find a role model, trainer or coach with a proven track record of success. You could choose to save time and money by reading a book, watching a video demonstration, or just making a bold move by contacting them personally.
Isn’t it time you took action?
Accelerate your performance, deal with self-doubt and LEAD WITH CONFIDENCE.
GET These 101 Complimentary Weekly Mental Performance Tips Sent Directly To Your Inbox.

PS. HERE you can learn about my personalized Mental Performance Training Packages for Specific, Evidenced, And Measured Results!