Two Great Strategies To Help If You Are Struggling To Think Straight

Are you having trouble thinking straight? Do you feel like your brain is tired, running on fumes, and unable to keep up with the demands of your job?
If this sounds familiar, I have some good news: you're not alone, and there are ways through this challenging time.
As an Olympic and NHL Mental Performance Coach who works virtually with executives and leaders worldwide, I've seen this problem repeatedly.
Many of my clients come to me struggling with this issue, and I found that there are powerful strategies that will make all the difference. I have re-trained the habits and behaviours of incredibly successful leaders who must perform quickly and accurately under pressure and integrate these powerful and simple techniques.
- So, what do you do to feel better?
- How do you get out of this funk?
- And what do you do when your brain starts to feel tired?
#1 - Think of the mind as a filing system
In this filing system are stored all your points of reference, learnings, ideas, and solutions. These are your ‘mind files’ Each night you sleep; the mind puts away all those millions of ‘files.’ Your mind puts them away for you in the right order, ready for you to use and access the next day easily. This happens when you have a great night’s sleep. But we know it’s hard to focus when you’ve not slept well. Those ‘mind files’ are left all over your mental desk and office floor, and you start the next day overloaded and possibly overwhelmed.
So make sleep your priority for the next 14 days. Think of it as a task you want to accomplish with small and meaningful improvements as part of the challenge. Give yourself 14 days to complete the challenge. What will happen is you’ll find small ways to improve your sleep. It might be making sure that you walk outside each day for 30 mins, or it might be that you turn off all gadgets that give out a blue light one hour before bed.
Whatever you choose, track the results over 14 days. You could use your smartphone for this. After 14 days, review your results and ensure that you have made small improvements; then, you’ll have the momentum to keep improving.
#2 - Reach out for help
Research on Mental Performance Coaching at the individual level has been related to increases in goal commitment and attainment and environmental mastery (Spence and Grant 2007) and increases in cognitive hardiness, mental health and hope (Green et al. ), [1]
You can learn more HERE by seeking elite coaching for specific, evidenced and measured results.
If you are taking on the `14 Day Better Sleep Challenge', good luck and let me know what worked for you!
Till next time, have some great sleep!
Warmest, Izzy.
P.S. Unleash your inner mental champion! Enhance your leadership skills, personal relationships, and emotional control. Work with me, and together we will unlock your full potential!

Make Sure To Follow Me On Social Media For More Useful Information, Tips, And Resources
[1] Source:
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Isabelle Hampton-Stone M.Sc. Elite Mental Performance Coach
Unlock Your Full Potential & Feel Fulfilled
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